Sunday, May 24, 2009

Peace in a Storm

Have you ever sensed peace in your life, but there is no real logical reason to have peace? My situation is as if I look at my life as the eye of a hurricane. The most comfortable, peaceful place to be is in the middle of the storm. No wind or rain, just watching the event happen in a rush around me. This is about how I feel now.

Tim and I are blessed that he has a job now, working as a truck driver M- F, home weekends. The first week of him out on his own was like being dunked in the deep end. It is exciting to know that there will be a REAL paycheck come Friday. We now evaluate - what's next? We need some goals, some focus that isn't just about paying the bills or putting food on the table.

When we were new home owners and anticipating our son's arrival, we knew that all things are possible, but not sure how great things that we anticipated would materialize. We really thought Tim's business was about to take the industry by storm, just to have the economy and housing market take a nose dive and our dreams, temporarily, with them. As we look forward now, it seems that this is the first time in 4 months or more that we feel sure that we are making the right moves toward caring for our family and moving toward greater goals.

One thing is for sure, without the ability to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, my nerves would be shot and my sense of peace would be nonexistent. I just think, "I can do all things (and endure all things) in Him who strengthens me." Thanks be to God!

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